Overcast reviews its Apple Watch app

A new update to the popular Overcast podcast player includes a major overhaul of its Apple Watch app. Apple Watch support is notable at a time when the development of third-party applications for the platform is not necessarily in a good position, although the watch itself continues to grow in popularity.

The Overcast update reorganizes the application’s user interface from top to bottom, adding some features that otherwise could only be accessed via the phone version. The main screen has large buttons for settings and synchronization above a scrolling list of your programs and access to the “now playing” screen.

This screen now includes a button in the lower right corner that takes you to more detailed information about the podcast and allows you to adjust its playback speed, in addition to allowing you to skip chapters directly on podcasts that have them.

The release notes for the new iOS version of Overcast, which is dubbed 2021.1, note some extra changes without going into detail. In addition to the new Watch app, Overcast has now “improved support for Siri” and “tons of internal improvements and bug fixes”.

Overcast is available for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and now Macs with M1 due to support for running iOS applications. The app is free, but ad-supported, with an optional $ 9.99 subscription that can remove ads.
