Other airlines ban weapons on flights to DC before opening

Three other airlines followed Delta’s example, saying they will prevent passengers on flights to Washington, DC from carrying weapons in their checked bags before the president-elect Joe BidenJoe BidenCotton: The Senate lacks the authority to hold the impeachment trial when Trump leaves office Marjorie Taylor Greene says he will present impeachment articles against Biden ICE that the incumbent director resigns weeks after taking office MOREopening on Wednesday.

United Airlines, Alaska Airlines and American Airlines will enforce the rules from Saturday to January 23, according to The Associated Press.

American will take the additional step of barring alcohol consumption on flights to and from DC from Saturday to Thursday, while several airlines will also remove their flight crews in central Washington, according to the AP.

Security and protection measures surrounding Induction Day have been stepped up since last week’s deadly riot on Capitol Hill, which killed five people.

The Federal Aviation Administration has also announced that it will no longer issue a warning to passengers who assault crew members or passengers, instead of directing them directly to the authorities.

Sara Nelson, the influential head of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, asked that those accused of participating in the mutiny be placed on the federal air exclusion list, which an FBI official said earlier this week is under consideration.

There have also been at least two incidents since the revolt of lawmakers being harassed at airports, including several people harassing the Sen. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyMichigan, Ohio Republicans explain votes for impeachment Trump House impeachment Trump for the second time – with some support from the Republican Party, McConnell says he is undecided on voting to condemn Trump MORE (R-Utah) on a flight from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Washington. Delta CEO Ed Bastian told AP that the company has identified six people involved in the incident, “and they will never fly Delta again.”

Days later, Senator Lindsay Graham (RS.C.) was harassed at Washington’s Reagan National Airport for his refusal to join some Republicans in a Congressional challenge to the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Aviation security expert Jeffrey Price of Metropolitan State University in Denver said these measures still weigh heavily on the crew’s shoulders and that more aviation marshals are needed on flights to Washington.

“There have been many incidents of flight interruptions and the crew should not be expected to deal with them, lest they become violent,” he told the AP.
