Oregon health officials trapped in the snow vaccinated random drivers while they waited

Each dose of the coronavirus vaccine has the ability to save a life. Therefore, it is extremely important not to miss a drop. Especially at a time when there are not enough doses to inoculate the entire country.

A group of public health officials from Josephine County in Oregon is getting a lot of attention for their dedication to administering the last dose of the vaccine.

On Tuesday, the group of 20 health workers was trapped in a snowstorm en route to a COVID-19 vaccination event in rural Cave Junction en route to Grants Pass about 30 miles away.

The trip usually takes about 45 minutes, but a tractor trailer diverted on the road ahead meant they would be stuck for hours. This meant that the remaining six doses of the COVID-19 vaccine they were carrying would likely expire when they reached Grants Pass.

via Josephine County Public Health / Facebook

As soon as a vial of the vaccine is defrosted from the freezer, the clock starts to count whether it can be administered. But after the bottle is punctured, it must be used within six hours or thrown away.

So the team decided to start knocking on the windows of other people’s cars to see if they wanted the vaccine.

“We had an individual who was so happy that he took his shirt off and got out of the car,” said Michael Weber, director of public health for Josephine County.

The team also administered an injection to an employee of the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office who had arrived too late for the Cave Junction vaccination event and was on his way home.

via Josephine County Public Health / Facebook

While the health team’s efforts should be applauded, they knew they were in a very strange situation. “It was a strange conversation,” said Weber. “Imagine yourself stranded on the side of the road in a snowstorm and someone comes up and says, ‘Hey, would you like a shot in the arm?'”

The workers were able to administer all six doses of the vaccine before it expired.

“Honestly, once we knew we wouldn’t be back in town in time to use the vaccine, it was just the obvious choice,” said Webber. “Our number one rule now is that nothing is wasted.”

According to Josephine Public Health’s Facebook page, Webber says the roadside improvised vaccination clinic was “one of the coolest operations he participated in.”

Oregon currently ranks 24th among states for vaccinations administered per capita. The state vaccinated 325,000 of its 4.2 million residents.

In the end, a question remains: will people who have been vaccinated on the road have the opportunity to receive their second booster dose in a month? Or will they have to wait their turn?

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