Orange County remains under state strike orders due to snowball coronavirus trendsVoice of OC

Orange County, along with Southern California, will remain under the regional order to shut down the coronavirus because hospitalizations in the area continue to skyrocket, making beds in the intensive care unit scarce in places like Los Angeles County.

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“The order will remain because these projections do not show that San Joaquin Valley and Southern California had not designed an ICU capacity above 15% four weeks earlier,” said the secretary of the state Health and Human Services Agency, Dr. Mark Ghaly, at a press conference on Tuesday.

The region’s ICU beds for coronavirus patients are exhausted, he said.

It doesn’t look like the situation is going to improve anytime soon.

“Basically, we are projecting that ICU capacity is not improving in Southern California,” said Ghaly. “And that demand will continue to exceed capacity.”

OC hospitals continue to suffer.

As of Tuesday, 2,106 people have been hospitalized, including 473 in intensive care units.

The county is seeing its number of hospitalizations skyrocket at rates never seen before – all before a dreaded vacation spike, similar to what was seen after Thanksgiving.

A month ago, 648 people were hospitalized, 158 in ICUs – an increase of 225%.

“We hope it will continue to get worse, until the vaccine is released frankly and until people really take masking and avoid behavior seriously,” said Dr. Shruti Gohil, an infectious doctor who treats patients in the intensive care unit at UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange.

Gohil said that winter allows the virus to spread more easily because the aerosol particles in people where the virus travels do not dissipate as fast as during the summer months.
