OnePlus will reveal its first smartwatch on March 23

As would be expected from OnePlus at this point, the march towards the launch of a new product includes a constant flow of information. This includes his first watch, which we will see on March 23, at the same time that his new OnePlus 9 series of phones is launched. Late last year, CEO Pete Lau said “Wishes come true” while informing fans that a watch was being made and, after OnePlus canceled its first effort in 2016, we will be able to see if they have something special and different to bring to your wrists.

Droid-Life points out that the tweet links revealed to a forum topic inviting wrong answers just about the possible features for the new device. While we may find that it will have the usual set of sleep skills and activity tracking, showing a little imagination can make you a winner of a free watch, so realistic projections can remain in the comments here, while any drawing “totally out of base “, renderers, descriptions, videos” should go into that topic.
