One in 1,000 Americans died of COVID-19

COVID-19 killed more than one in 1,000 Americans, the data show.

With a population of 328 million, the United States has recorded at least 331,000 virus-related deaths, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University.

Meanwhile, December has become the deadliest month since the pandemic began – with more than 63,000 Americans killed by the virus in the past 26 days, CNN reported.

In comparison, the country recorded 36,964 deaths in the entire previous month.

Experts warned that another 193,000 Americans could die from the virus in the next two months, while the health crisis continues to accelerate, CNN reported.

“Projections are a nightmare,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, an infectious disease specialist at Baylor College of Medicine.

“People can still save their loved ones’ lives by practicing this social detachment and masks. And remember, vaccines are coming. “

To date, there have been at least 18.5 million cases detected in the United States since the pandemic began, the data show.

The US ranks 10th in the world in deaths per capita, according to Statista.
