Official Cyberpunk 2077 modding tools have been released

The Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red released official modding tools for the dystopian RPG, allowing players to create their own personalized content.

Since launch, there have been many third-party mods for Cyberpunk 2077, including one that allowed you to play (badly) in third person. With the official tools now launched, the floodgates are open for personalized mission content, asset exchanges and more. The CD Projekt Red says that the toolkit will be updated with the game, which means that the mod’s compatibility shouldn’t be an issue.

This comes in the wake of the first major patch for Cyberpunk 2077, which aimed to start addressing some of the most pressing stability, performance and script issues in the game. Although Patch 1.1 has helped some players, it inadvertently introduced a new game-breaking bug that could interrupt the progress of the main story. CD Projekt Red is aware of this and has launched a workaround for the problem until an appropriate fix is ​​released.

Patch 1.1 is the first in a patch script that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive in the coming months, with the next major patch scheduled for February. CD Projekt Red announced the script in an apology video for the game’s release, promising to resolve current issues before moving on to the development of free DLC. The PS5 and Xbox Series X patches | S for Cyberpunk 2077 are expected in late 2021, although the game is not yet on sale on PSN after being removed.

Cyberpunk 2077 can offer a captivating role-playing experience within a visually engaging world when it’s working properly. In our review of Cyberpunk 2077, critic Kallie Plagge wrote: “The side missions and the characters they show are the beacon that shines in the neon-drenched darkness of Night City and gives you space to explore the best of the basic mechanics of RPG has to offer. That’s what led me to an experience that would otherwise be disappointing. “

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