Official Animal Crossing Valentine’s Day cards will melt your heart

Nintendo made Valentine’s Day cards for Animal Crossing with New Horizons characters, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for any fan.

Nintendo did Cross between animals cards based on Valentine’s Day, and their loveliness tends to touch the heart of any fan. Valentine’s Day does not have an official event in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, unlike the past Cross between animals games, but these cards still allow you to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the spirit of New Horizons.

The February update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons did not present much content beyond the festive holiday that was approaching, which displeased some fans who are still waiting for the arrival of characters like Brewster. For Valentine’s Day, the update brought two gifts that could be ordered on the seasonal tab in the Nook catalog, the chocolate heart and the heart-shaped bouquet. Valentine’s Day in Cross between animals never went beyond receiving a gift from an NPC like Isabelle, but in New Horizons, the holiday, which was already small, was postponed even more compared to Festivale, which is a shame, since Valentine’s Day is an extremely popular holiday.

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Valentine cards in Play Nintendo can be downloaded for free and features several characters from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This is not the first time that Nintendo offers Cross between animals out-of-game content. Isabelle’s card is short and sweet, which is necessary for her character, but Blathers, CJ and Flick cards use word games befitting their characters. Celeste’s card refers to her love for astrology, while Wilbur and Orville’s card highlights the teamwork they do together.

Because Animal Crossing: New Horizons launching at the beginning of the pandemic, many players chose to celebrate several real life events in the world of Cross between animals. This includes graduations and weddings in 2020 in the absence of these events in real life. Some players have started to recreate real-life places or movies to get a sense of connection with normalcy. Many people today are hungry for social interaction, which made the game launch time so perfect.

Once Valentine’s Day is approaching, some players may choose to enter a Cross between animals Valentine date with your special person. Others can simply go out with their friends and still others can simply spend the holidays alone. But no matter how players choose to spend the next holiday, Cross between animals it will continue to be a valuable tool to recover that social connection that was lost this year. The characters on these cards are the ones that many were introduced to at the beginning of this pandemic, so send those cards to any Cross between animals fan will surely illuminate the spirits and melt their hearts.

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Source: Play Nintendo

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