NYT: Deputy Perry played a role in Trump’s alleged plan to expel AG

Pennsylvania Representative Scott PerryScott Gordon PerryDemocrats will levy fines from unmasked lawmakers on the Crescent House floor number of lawmakers tested positive for COVID-19 after the New Jersey Democratic Capitol siege believes she contracted coronavirus during Capitol siege MORE (R) played a key role in a supposed ex-plan President TrumpDonald TrumpMcCarthy said he told Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene that he disagreed with his impeachment articles against Biden Biden, Trudeau agrees to meet next month that Trump planned to oust AG to overturn the election results in Georgia: report MORE to oust then-acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen in an attempt to overturn election results in Georgia, according to a Saturday report in The New York Times.

The vehicle reported that Perry, who earlier this month voted in favor of opposing the election results in Pennsylvania and Arizona, in Congress, he coordinated the presentation between Trump and Jeffrey Clark, acting head of the civilian division of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Clark would have been receptive to Trump’s claims that the 2020 election had been “stolen” from him.

The times initially reported on Friday that Trump sought replace Rosen with Clark after Rosen refused to support Trump’s contested claims that the presidential election was tainted by widespread electoral fraud. Four former Trump administration officials told the newspaper that the plot to replace Rosen failed after DOJ officials discovered the plan and threatened to resign en masse.

On Saturday, the Times reported that former Trump administration officials said Clark informed the interim attorney general in late December of a Perry-mediated meeting with the former president.

The Times noted that it was unclear how Perry first met Clark and how they met before meeting with the former president. The president and Clark also had several direct telephone conversations.

Justice Department officials were supposedly surprised by these interactions, as Clark had not previously alerted Rosen. The agency’s policy states that the president must first communicate with the attorney general or deputy attorney general on any DOJ matter.

According to the Times, former officials said Perry and Clark discussed a plan for the Department of Justice to send a letter to Georgia state lawmakers stating that an electoral fraud investigation was underway and could nullify the results of the election. state. The two men then discussed the alleged plan with Trump.

However, Rosen would have refused to send the letter.

Former officials informed on the matter told the Times that the Justice Department has conducted dozens of electoral fraud investigations, none of which resulted in conclusions that would have altered the outcome of the election.

The Hill contacted Perry’s office to comment on the Times report.

Sen. Richard DurbinDick DurbinOvernight Health Care – Fauci: Lack of facts ‘probably’ cost lives in the fight against coronavirus | CDC changes the orientation of the COVID-19 vaccine to allow the rare mix of Pfizer and Moderna injections | Senate chaos threatens to slow down Biden Hillicon Valley agenda: Intelligence agency gathers warranties on smartphone locations in the US, says memo | Democrats seek answers on impact of Russian invasion on DOJ and courts | Airbnb offers assistance to the Biden administration with the distribution of vaccines. Democrats seek answers about the impact of the Russian cyber attack on the Justice Department (Dill.), the new Judiciary Committee chairman sent a letter to the DOJ on Saturday informing the agency that he was investigating Trump and Clark’s alleged efforts “to use the Department of Justice to further Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results”.

Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerDivide and conquer or unite and prosper Roe is not enough: Why do black women want the end of the Hyde National Guard Amendment back to the Capitol after being moved to the parking lot MORE (DN.Y.) also called the DOJ’s internal watchdog to investigate Trump about Friday’s Times report, tweeting on Saturday that it was, “Unconscious, a Trump Justice Department leader would conspire to subvert the will of the people. ”

“The Department of Justice Inspector General must start an investigation into this sedition attempt now,” added Schumer.

Schumer went on to say that the Senate will “move forward” with a Trump impeachment trial for its role in the January 6 deadly riot on Capitol Hill. The judgment is set for start the week of February 8.
