Notes: Matthew Stafford made one of the deepest pitches of 2020

One of Matthew Stafford’s passes made the top 10 longest pitches for yards away from the 2020 season, according to Next Gen Stats.

Undoubtedly, one of the best things about watching the number 9 play is when he absolutely launches the game for a huge win. This week, highlighted the top 10 air distance connections this season and a Stafford pass made the list.

As a reminder, according to the Next Gen Stats glossary: ​​“Air distance is the number of yards the ball has traveled in a pass, from the launch point to the receiving point (in a straight line). Unlike Air Yards, Air Distance measures the actual distance the passer throws the ball. “

The Stafford move that made the list came in eighth. During week 8 against the Indianapolis Colts, Stafford threw the ball into the back of Marvin Hall and scored 61.8 yards from the air. Check out:

Click here to watch the full video. In case you don’t reach the overpass, it was just a little bit more, with 64.4 meters.

And for the rest of your notes.

  • To start, highlights from the Vikings game, if you want to take a look.

  • Lions are still giving gifts in honor of the fans’ appreciation.
