Nintendo Switch was responsible for almost all consoles sold in Japan last year

The Nintendo Switch remains an extremely hot console – figuratively, of course – almost four years after its launch, and this is especially true in Japan. The console appears to have accounted for a notable 87% of all consoles sold in the country during 2020 , even with the launch of two new systems at the end of the year.

According to Famitsu and shared via, about 6.85 million consoles were sold in Japan during the year – all game consoles together. Of these, 5.9 million were Nintendo Switch or Switch Lite, while PS4 and PS5 together sold about 798,000 units. This leaves very little room for other consoles to reach that figure of 6.85 million, and with the Xbox brand not having much weight in Japan, that was expected.

Of course, new systems have been extremely limited due to the scarcity of supplies and the effects of the pandemic as well. As they became more widely available in 2021, Nintendo’s dominance in Japan would become a little less ridiculous.

Overall, the Nintendo Switch has sold over 68 million systems worldwide and is expected to surpass the Nintendo 3DS by 2021. It has already eclipsed the 3DS in terms of software sales as it has become an extremely popular platform for third-party and indie developers. The Switch’s predecessor, the Wii U, only managed a little more than 13.5 million units sold during its lifetime, while the Wii still stands as Nintendo’s best-selling home console, with over 100 million systems sold.

Nintendo has not yet confirmed its existence, but we have heard several reports of an improved “Switch Pro” being released this year, too. According to a dataminer, the console could include an OLED screen and support for 4K output when docked.

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Tocando agora: Como o maior fracasso da Nintendo levou à mudança
