Nikki Haley begins PAC while his planned 2024 White House offer takes shape | Columbia

COLOMBIA – Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador, has started a political action committee that can strengthen her brand ahead of the 2024 presidential race.

PAC, named after its other political group, Stand for America, will “be focused on the 2022 elections and the election of a conservative force for the House of Representatives and the US Senate to serve as a bulwark against the liberal agendas of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, “Haley said in an email to supporters on Wednesday.

Haley hesitated when asked about her presidential ambitions. But she has taken several steps since she left the United Nations in late 2018 to suggest she would run, including launching a second book and creating the first Stand for America advocacy group.

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In a lawsuit with the Federal Election Commission, the new PAC lists Bradley Crate, of Massachusetts, as the treasurer. Crate’s company was the treasurer of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and he was one of the top financial executives in Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012.

“Ambassador Haley is focused on supporting strong conservative candidates and regaining the House and Senate in 2022,” said Haley spokeswoman Chaney Denton. A website for the PAC is now online.

Haley wrote in his email that PAC will work to recruit and train new conservative candidates while defending candidates in critical states. The PAC allows her to contribute up to $ 5,000 to campaigns and produce ads.

Importantly, PAC will pay Haley to travel around the country to campaign for other candidates, a move that will give her more publicity among voters while building Republican Party allies before the 2024 White House candidacy.

She spent much of 2020 campaigning for House and Senate candidates, including in Georgia’s final second rounds. Both Republican Senate holders lost the second round, giving Democrats control of the Senate.

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Still, Haley is seen as the potential vanguard if Trump doesn’t try to seek a second term in 2024. Haley was able to walk the tightrope while in Trump’s office, supporting the president she criticized during her 2016 campaign while announcing how she was able to disagree with him at the time.

In her email announcing the PAC and asking for contributions, Haley sounded like a candidate, pointing to Democrats who will soon take over the Capitol and the Oval Office.

“You can be sure that Democrats will not abandon their vision of big government in 2022, including ‘stripping the police’, the New Green Deal and Medicare for All,” she wrote. “They are simply ‘reshaping the brand’ – which is just an attempt to hide from voters the truth about what they really believe.”
