Nicki Minaj posted photos of his son

“Sending love to all the superhero moms out there.”

“#PapaBear, thank you so much for choosing me to be your mother,” she wrote on Instagram on Saturday, sharing a series of adorable photos.

“Becoming a mother is by far the most rewarding job I have ever undertaken. Send love to all the superhero moms out there. Big hugs to all the women who were pregnant during this challenging period.”

And look! In! That! Cheeks!

Also, as some fans pointed out on Twitter, it looks like Nicki had the baby she always wanted:

For the baby’s three-month birthday, Nicki was also super candid with a question and answer session on Twitter:

He had no problem breastfeeding. He was admitted to the hospital, which was very surprising to me. I was afraid that maybe he didn’t. But breastfeeding is very painful. Pumping too. Women make these things look very easy. Moms are really superheroes

Yes, natural vaginal delivery with epidural. I pushed for 2 and a half hours. Only b / c first, the epidural didn’t pass long enough for me to feel myself pushing. As soon as I could feel the pain, I pushed it out.

We will keep you informed if and when we find out the little one’s name!

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