NHL announces Evgeny Kuznetsov, Dmitry Orlov, Alex Ovechkin and Ilya Samsonov unavailable due to COVID protocols

The other shoe fell. The NHL reported Washington Capitals’ outages due to the COVID protocols.

The list is the Caps Russians: attackers Evgeny Kuznetsov and Alex Ovechkin, defender, Dmitry Orlovand goalkeeper Ilya Samsonov.

Earlier today, the Caps were fined $ 100,000 for violating the COVID protocols.

Being on this list does not mean that these players have COVID or even that they have tested positive. Some NHL context:

Continuing to balance the 2020-21 season, the NHL is sharing the names of Players who are “unavailable” to the Club (to practice, travel or play) due to the COVID protocols. These “COVID Protocol Related Absences” can be the result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to: (1) an initial positive test that remains unconfirmed until the confirmation test is completed in accordance with the Positive Test Protocol ; (2) mandatory isolation for symptomatic individuals in accordance with the Positive Test Protocol; (3) quarantine required as a close contact with high risk according to the Positive Test Protocol; (4) isolation based on a confirmed positive test result and / or; (5) quarantine for travel or other reasons, as described in the COVID-19 Protocol.

No further details will be provided by the League or the Club, including the exact reason why the Player is unavailable or how long he may be away.

We should have more details soon.

Update, 20:10: The Capitals and Alex Ovechkin released statements.

The Caps are scheduled to host the Buffalo Sabers on Friday night.

Title photo: Elizabeth Kong / RMNB
