NFTPs reaching rock bottom? Charmin joins the latest crypto craze

The market for non-fungible tokens is not limited to digital sports collectibles and art connoisseurs – big brands are also taking action.

Charmin toilet paper maker listed five different versions of its non-fungible toilet paper, or NFTP, available on the Rarible market today. The NFTPs feature decorated (and also plain) toilet paper rolls and include images of the brand’s bear mascot family. Charmin said that all proceeds from NFT sales will go to the nonprofit organization Direct Relief, which provides resources for medical professionals in disaster-affected areas.

The toilet paper maker said that each NFTP would be sold with a physical display for encryption users to hang the artwork in the bathroom next to their real, slightly more fungible toilet paper. The highest bid for one piece is 1 Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) at the time of publication, worth approximately $ 1,800. Even with some stores still restricting the sale of toilet paper, this roll is expensive.

The Procter & Gamble subsidiary is the latest major brand to jump into the NFT space after weeks of seemingly comical additions to the point of absurd additions to the growing crypto craze. Earlier this month, Taco Bell launched an NFT with its logo on the Rarible market. The Quartz news agency also reported on the technology while promoting the article itself as an NFT.