New York allows them, Florida forbids them. Will Californians receive passports for the COVID vaccine?

The steady move towards a less restricted pandemic life has left many Californians looking ahead to dusting passports they haven’t used in a year. A rumor is also emerging about another type of credential that could come into play: vaccine passports.

The idea of ​​vaccine passports is still embryonic, but controversial in the United States – New York launched the first one last week, but Florida banned them on Friday. It focuses on digital credentials that verify proof of vaccination against coronavirus. The pass can be similar to boarding passes for planes. But it is more broadly predicted for a variety of environments where admission may require a vaccination precondition to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

California officials have not said whether they are considering this type of credential, but other governments and industries have already adopted their own versions. The basic idea is that such a tool can guarantee security as soon as businesses, entertainment venues and other venues reopen.

But some public health experts fear that vaccine passports may further harm communities of color, given that there are still widespread barriers for underprivileged communities to access the vaccine and the fact that California vaccinated more whites than blacks and Latinos together. yet.
