New Warframe content coming in February and possibly March

Some new Warframe content will hit all platforms in February and sometime in or after March, including two new Frames, a Valentine’s Day event and permanent cosmetics, developer Digital Extremes has revealed.

The beginning in February is Nightwave: Intermission 3. It airs on February 1 and brings new acts, reintroduces some rewards from the past, doubles protection and more. Digital Extremes did not give many details about Intermission 3 during the live broadcast.

The Warframe content series continues with the Star Days event, which runs live from 11th to 24th February. The event is centered on the debt collector Ticker, whose store will receive a variety of themed items, such as glyphs, floofs and other cosmetics. In addition to this event, Digital Extremes will allow wings as a permanent cosmetic for all frames. They are customizable, from the style of the wing to the color of the feather, and ephemeral, which means they will become transparent to ensure that they do not obstruct the viewing angles when players aim.

A new Lunar Renewal event also begins in mid-February, with various content from the Year of the Ox. An exact start date has not been announced, but players can expect several cosmetics to unlock and missions to embark. Meanwhile, players can unlock Octavia Prime from February 23 that comes with its characteristic weapons and a playable shawzin with harp sounds.

Coming in sometime or after March is update 30, which Digital Extremes is calling Call of the Tempestarii. The update features Savagoth (formerly known as Wraithe), a new Frame necromancer who can conjure up ephemeral area of ​​effect appearances and attacks, as well as a Savagoth-based mission and some possible changes to Zephyr. There’s also a new melee weapon called ghoul that looks like a giant Gears of War Lancer (without the weapon component), but Digital Extreme hasn’t set a date for when it will fall. The team is also investigating how players can somehow use the weapon.

In another Warframe news item, Digital Extremes was chosen by Tencent when the Chinese mega-conglomerate acquired the developer’s parent company Leyou in December 2020. The Warframe developer said it will remain “creatively independent” despite the acquisition, saying the players should “expect no changes to Warframe or how our studio operates” going forward.

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