New virus variants found in Weld County – Greeley Tribune

Two variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been found in Weld County, including the most contagious strain in the UK.

The Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment issued a press release on Thursday warning of the new variants. The mutated viruses are B.1.1.7, commonly referred to as the United Kingdom (UK) variant, and L452. Several variants of the virus are circulating globally.

Some viruses change by mutation, creating new variants over time. Some will emerge and then disappear, while others may spread more easily and quickly. Research is underway to determine how easily these variants spread, but current evidence shows that the UK variant spreads more easily than the original virus.

The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters that the UK variant has already been identified in more than 40 states. The CDC website notes that British experts reported in January that the variant may be associated with an increased risk of death compared to other variants, but further studies are needed to confirm the finding.

State and municipal health officials are collaborating to track the contacts of people identified and exposed to the new variants. Asked about the number of residents in which the variant viruses were found and in which communities, a Weld Health spokesman said “everything is still under investigation”. More details may be released next week or later, he added.

The CDC recently updated the masking guidelines to encourage duplication of layers: recommending a cloth mask with several layers of fabric or a disposable mask under a cloth mask. The New York Times recently reported that laboratory experiments found that viral transmission could be reduced by 96.5% if Americans wore tight surgical masks or a combination of cloth and surgical mask.

The CDC research indicates that the current COVID-19 vaccine offers protection against emerging variants, but more studies are needed, according to the county press release. As vaccines continue to be made available, authorities encourage the public to obtain free vaccination. Vaccines are being provided for Phase 1B.2, which started on February 8. The phase includes people aged 65-69 and pre-K-12 educators, including teachers, student teachers, bus drivers, school food services, daycare staff in licensed programs, administrative and support staff, security staff and other support services offered within schools.

Vaccines are also being provided to people aged 70 and over. The state is operating a hotline for residents with questions about the COVID-19 vaccines at 1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926).
