New video shows a woman attacking a teenager she falsely accused of stealing her iPhone at a hotel in Soho

New York authorities released parts of a video from a security camera on Wednesday, showing a woman running and trying to attack the 14-year-old son of jazz musician Keyon Harrold, who she falsely accused of stealing her iPhone that she left in an Uber.

The 10-second clip shows the woman facing Keyon Harrold Jr. and wrapping him in her arms on Saturday in the lobby of Arlo Soho, a luxury boutique hotel in New York where Harrold and his son were guests, the hotel said.

The New York City Police Department said on Tuesday that the teenager’s father “scratched his hand”. No other injuries have been reported.

The police said they were looking for the woman and “positively identified her”, but did not identify her publicly. The incident was not being investigated as a bias incident, according to the police. Harrold and his son are black and suggested that racial prejudice played a role in the incident.

On Sunday, Harrold shared the initial one-minute video of the heated discussion on social media. In the video, the woman can be heard approaching father and son, shouting, “Show me my phone!” A man in the video who identified himself as the hotel manager can also be heard asking to see Harrold Jr.’s phone number.

Before the video was cut, the woman appeared to approach Harrold, causing the jazz musician to shout, “Get your hands off!”

The video quickly went viral over the weekend, with many on social media accusing the woman and hotel staff of racial discrimination against Harrold and his son.

NBC News has not established the woman’s identity and it is unclear what happened before or after what was shown in Harrold’s surveillance images or video.

The woman told CNN on Tuesday that she was beaten during the altercation on Saturday, but the network was unable to corroborate her claims with investigators or the hotel. NYPD and Arlo SoHo did not immediately respond to NBC News’ request for comment.

The 22-year-old said she initially asked someone else to “empty her pocket” before confronting Harrold Jr., which CNN was also unable to confirm, according to the network.

The woman said she was concerned about how she was portrayed in the video, saying it was not an accurate portrait.

“I’m not like that. In fact … I try very hard to make sure I’m always doing the right thing, “she said.

CNN did not publicly identify the woman due to security issues unrelated to the incident.

She added that she is willing to cooperate with investigators, but said she has not received a call from the authorities and has not yet contacted her. She also said that she would like to speak with the Harrold family.

The woman stopped responding to the network after initially agreeing to provide evidence that would confirm her claim that she was assaulted, according to the network.

The Arlo Hotel apologized to the Harrold family on Monday, saying “more could have been done to lessen the dispute”.

“We are deeply discouraged by the recent incident of unfounded accusation, prejudice and aggression against an innocent guest at the Arlo hotel,” the hotel said in a statement. “No Arlo guest – or anyone – should be subject to this type of behavior.”

“We are committed to ensuring that this never happens again at any of our hotels,” said the hotel.

Civil rights lawyer Ben Crump, who represents Harrold’s family, asked the Manhattan district attorney to open charges of assault and battery against the woman.

Crump also called for a civil rights investigation at the Hotel Arlo for “implicit bias” in the treatment of the Harrold family.

A Manhattan DA spokesman told NBC News on Monday that the office is “thoroughly investigating this incident”.

The jazz musician, accompanied by Crump and Rev. Al Sharpton, spoke at a press conference on Wednesday.

“I can’t even go down to New York City – a New York City nobleman – and just go for a snack without being attacked and unfairly accused of something,” said Harrold. “The idea of ​​trauma goes beyond any accusations that can be made.”

“I want my son to grow up whole,” he said.
