New study says these four things are the reason you’re tired of zooming

Scary mom and LeoPatrizi / Getty

It turns out that there is a scientific reason why you hate Zoom

We have been in the pandemic for a year, almost a year of family celebrations canceled or seriously altered and we are wearing masks until further notice. While the vaccine is being launched across the country, we are still distancing socially, so business is definitely not going as usual. Which means that Zoom meetings are here to stay. It was a year asking other participants to silence or reactivate their sound. A year learning more about our colleagues’ decorating preferences than we ever thought possible. And we are tired of it. And a new study says that there is, in fact, a good scientific reason (four, actually) why you’re absolutely out of Zoom.

Jeremy Bailenson of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab recently published a study on the mental impact of spending hours a day on Zoom and other popular video chat platforms.

Result: four problems that Bailenson says are due to a year of video calls. Or what we commonly call “zoom fatigue”.

Four Reasons Why You Hate Zoom

Problem: extreme amounts of close eye contact are intense.

The amount of eye contact we make in video chats, as well as the size of the faces on the monitors, is abnormal. In a typical conference, people will look around the room. But in Zoom’s calls, everyone is looking at everyone – all the time. Listeners become speakers because people are looking at you even when you don’t speak.

Solution: Bailenson recommends changing the zoom of the full screen option and decreasing the size of the zoom window. He also suggests using an external keyboard to allow for an increase in the bubble of personal space between you and the grid.

Problem: prolonged episodes of watching yourself on video are tiring.

Most video platforms display a square of their appearance on the camera during a discussion. But that is not natural, said Bailenson. “In the real world, if someone was following you with a mirror constantly – so that while you were talking to people, making decisions, giving feedback, receiving feedback – you were seeing yourself in a mirror, that would be crazy. Nobody would ever think about that, ”he added.

The disconnect is shocking and unforgiving – and it can extend to our voices, as one Twitter user observed.

Solution: Bailenson proposes that video conferencing platforms modify the standard video streaming practice for presenters and viewers, when it only needs to be sent to viewers. Presenters can use the “hide auto preview” button, which you can do by right clicking on your own photo.
