New Moon horoscope in Capricorn for January 12 to 13, 2021

There is a New Moon on January 12-13, 2021 and it encourages you to work for what you want out of life.

New Moon is the beginning of a new lunar cycle, so now is the time to make plans and start new projects for the next month.

During the New Moon phase, the Moon is exactly between the Earth and the Sun, so the illuminated side of the Moon faces away from us.

How will the New Moon in Capricorn affect your zodiac sign?

This positioning in astrological terms means greater focus on our inner selves and desires, represented by the Moon, overshadowing our egos, represented by the Sun in Capricorn.

RELATED: How to Create a New Moon Ritual to Start Something New

We are urged to introspect when the Moon is new, in order to define new intentions to fulfill new goals.

This New Moon is in the sign of Capricorn.

Capricorn is a cardinal sign because it occurs at the beginning of its season becoming initiators of cardinal modalities.

This is very appropriate for a New Moon, as we start new ventures and receive new ideas.

Capricorn is also an earth sign, which means that this New Moon is evoking energies of structure, planning, material and logic.

This New Moon in Capricorn is all about making concrete and realistic plans for whatever goals you’re working on.
