New Mandalorian theory says Disney Plus programs will eliminate Canon’s sequential trilogy

There are many Star Wars fans who have not yet overcome the striking difference, but equally polarizing The last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, with Frank Oz of all people having to enter after someone demanded that Rian Johnson apologize for Episode VIII every day for the rest of your life.

The force awakens got a ticket because Star Wars it was back and, although it didn’t innovate, it was still a fun blockbuster that didn’t rock the boat. The last Jedihowever, made radical changes in mythology, upsetting and alienating many people in the process, just for The Rise of Skywalker try very hard to bring them back on board by doubling the service of fans and retcons at the expense of telling a useful story that could tie the narrative in a way befitting a nine-film saga that spanned four decades.

Now, a new fan theory speculates that The Mandalorian it may end up erasing the Sequel Trilogy from the canon, something that a certain section of the fan base would not be against, and it all depends on Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni continuing to embrace the animated shows as an official continuity.

Rey hearing Ahsoka Tano’s voice during his vision in Episode IX would indicate that Snips is dead, with the theory presenting the notion that Rebels bow Worlds between worlds had created two separate schedules. In one, Ahsoka did not survive, which is why she appears to Rey along with the other deceased members of the Order, while in the secondary timeline she survived and used her knowledge to point Din Djarin and Baby Yoda in the direction of Luke Skywalker .

As the theory explains:

I believe that the sequential trilogy was practically a different timeline than the end of Rebels and Mandalorian. On the Last Skywalker we heard Ahsoka Tano say “Rey” while watching Rey. The rest of the voices we hear are from dead Jedi. We heard Ahsoka’s voice, because she was dead in that timeline. In Rebels, we see that Ezra Bridger went to the world between the worlds and saved Ahsoka from being killed by Darth Vader. With Ahsoka alive now, she tells Din Djarin about the Seer Stone. Without that knowledge, Din Djarin and Grogu would probably never have met Luke Skywalker and Luke would never have trained Grogu. Training Grogu early will show Luke that using the dark side of strength is natural and can be controlled. Luke doesn’t fear Ben Solo’s power now and he never becomes Kylo Ren.

This means that not only Episodes VII, VIII and IX technically not happen, but as the theory goes, training Grogu at his Academy two decades earlier The force awakens inside The MandalorianIn the established mythology, Luke would have better control over how to control the Dark Side and therefore he will not fear Ben Solo’s power, which means that there will be no Kylo Ren either.
