New iPad Pro due for release in March, 12.9-inch model may be slightly thicker for mini-LED screen

Following yesterday’s report on the next generation of iPad and iPad Pro models, Japanese website Mac Otakara launched a new report sharing some additional details about the upcoming PiPad Pro‌ models.

superior feature of iPad pro

The report states that the updated 11-inch and 12.9-inch PiPad Pro‌ models are due in March and that the overall design remains the same as existing models, with a few exceptions.

First, Mac Otakara states that the 12.9-inch model will be about 0.5 mm thicker than the current model, a change that could be to accommodate a long-standing Mini-LED screen that would offer better display performance compared to traditional LCDs . The 11-inch model will apparently remain the same thickness as the current model, which is in line with rumors that only the 12.9-inch model will initially receive the “Mini-LED” screen.

Second, the rear cameras would be less prominent in the next models. The overall projection of the camera remains, but the additional projection of the individual camera lenses is no longer needed, leaving a flat projection of the camera.

Finally, there are apparently some changes to the speaker design, with the total number of speaker holes on the sides reduced by two thirds and the speaker hole positions changed compared to current models.
