New DHEC numbers show deaths from SC coronavirus ‘officially confirmed’ top 7,000 | COVID-19

While the number of daily coronavirus case counts in South Carolina continues to fall, deaths attributed to the dangerous virus have now exceeded 7,000.

New figures published by the Department of Health and Environmental Control of SC on February 11 show that 7,010 confirmed deaths have been associated with COVID-19 in this state and that probably 872 more people have died since the first cases emerged here last March.

Many patients whose deaths were categorized as “probable” have, in fact, tested positive for COVID-19 through a rapid test. Deaths from COVID-19 are only confirmed as such if the patient has a positive result on the PCR test, which is considered more reliable.

DHEC has not yet published online death certificate data for all causes of death last year, but based on historical data, COVID-19 is likely to be ranked as the third leading cause of death in South Carolina in 2020.

SC records more than 1,300 new COVID-19 cases, more than 5.3 million tests completed

State figures

New cases reported: 1,428 confirmed, 392 probable.

Total cases in SC: 419,435 confirmed, 56,852 probable.

Positive percentage: 10.3 percent.

New reported deaths: 84 confirmed, 827 likely.

Total deaths in SC: 7,010 confirmed, 827 probable.

Percentage of ICU beds occupied: 79.38 percent.

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How does SC rank in vaccines administered by 100,000 people? 42nd on February 10, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Most affected areas

In the total number of recently confirmed cases, Greenville, Horry and Richland counties saw the highest totals.

What about the tri-county?

Charleston County had 104 new cases confirmed, while Berkeley counted 36 and Dorchester saw 24.


Twelve of the new confirmed deaths reported occurred in people aged 35 to 64, with the remainder in patients aged 65 and over.


Of the 1,391 patients with COVID-19 hospitalized on February 11, 329 were in the ICU and 195 were using ventilators.

What do the experts say?

Social detachment and the use of masks remain important tools in combating the pandemic. The CDC issued guidance this week recommending that using two tightly fitting masks on top of each other increases their effectiveness.

SC hospitals pause, cancel COVID-19 vaccine appointments due to shipping delays

Catch up Lauren Sausser at 843-937-5598.
