New Adobe Photoshop brings super resolution features and speed improvements to Macs M1

Today, Adobe released the first version of Photoshop designed to run natively on M1 Macs, and the company promises significant speed improvements in the new version. Along with this, Photoshop on the iPad has gained two new cloud features, and Camera Raw has gained an interesting new feature called “Super Resolution”.

M1 Macs showed great potential for performance improvements (particularly in terms of cost) and impressive battery life. Today, Adobe announced the availability of the first native version of Photoshop for Macs M1 and promises some impressive speed improvements, with feature-intensive features like Content-Aware Fill running about 1.5x faster on average. There are some features that are not yet available in the M1 version of Photoshop, such as Default sync and Invite to edit cloud documents. The company informs you that if you need these resources, use Rosetta 2 until they are available.

All versions of Photoshop will now also have access to Super Resolution in Camera Raw. Taking advantage of the machine learning that was trained in millions of photos, this new feature promises to enlarge the images while preserving edges and details, effectively increasing the resolution of the photos. This feature is powered by the GPU, making it run much faster.

Finally, Photoshop for iPad users will now have offline access to the Cloud Documents version history and Cloud Documents. The first feature allows users to browse and revert to different versions of files up to 60 days old. Users can select certain versions so that they also do not expire. Users can now also store cloud documents offline as needed.

You can read more in Adobe’s official blog post here.
