Netflix to test cracking password sharing

Netflix said this week that it is testing a new verification process to prevent sharing passwords on its streaming platform.

For users that the company suspects are not the owner of the account, Netflix will send an email or text message with a verification code to the account owner. If the user does not enter the code within a certain period of time, they will not be able to view the content through that account.

“This test is designed to help ensure that people using Netflix accounts are authorized to do so,” a spokesperson for Netflix said The Verge.

An uncertainty with the new feature is who is considered a home user, as Netflix allows password sharing among family members, which means it is unclear whether family members will also need to go through the verification process. The company did not say how long the test will run.

The Hill contacted Netflix for comment.

Along with concerns about password sharing, Netflix said the new verification process is designed to protect against hackers.

News about the additional security hurdle comes after Netflix announced which will produce 70 films this year.

Netflix has more than 200 million subscribers worldwide, with streaming services in almost every country.
