Netflix is ​​turning Tomb Raider and Kong: Skull Island into anime

Image credits: Left: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (Screenshot: YouTube), Right: Godzilla vs.  Kong (screenshot: YouTube)

Image credits: Left: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (Screenshot: YouTube), Right: Godzilla vs. Kong (screenshot: YouTube)

Having tasted it earlier – courtesy of his well-received vampire adaptation, Castlevania– that there are precious, precious views to be extracted from anime treatments of popular movie and game licenses, Netflix today announced that it will give treatment similar to that of 2017 Kong: Skull Islandas well as the long tomb Raider franchise of games and films.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, a Skull Island program is being developed by Legendary Television, expanding the deep insecure real estate strongly featured in the Samuel L. Jackson film. It looks like the series will take less Kong thing-nobody likes to commit too much– but it will present a group of people who are stuck on the main island, and you will probably end up having a very hectic time there. Brian Duffield, who already wrote The baby sitter for Netflix, he will be a writer and executive producer.

The tomb Raider show, however, is being developed by Tasha Huo, who wrote about the next streamer Wizard spin off, Origin of the Blood. Instead of working on elements of the current (sup until! Ben Wheatley is directing the new one, for some reason!) running Alicia Vikander’s live-action series, the show is supposed to follow the latest trilogy of tomb Raider games, which started with the simply titled reboot in 2013

So far, Netflix’s anime adaptations have transformed baseness and gentleness into virtue: come in, tell a story, kill some vampires, get out. We will have to see if these extensions to the “brand” (monkeys / vampires / action heroes who act briefly sad to kill, but then go on to kill him much) can maintain that momentum.
