Netflix ‘Country Comfort’: Season 1, Episode 1 – Katharine McPhee Show

How did two actors born and raised in Los Angeles end up starring in a comedy set in the south about horses and country music? This is just one of the many questions that we are going to no explore as we discuss the debut of Country Comfort, then check your logic at the front door.

The first episode of the series – which lasts a curious 20 minutes – goes straight to the point, leaving an unlucky singer named Bailey (Katharine McPhee) at the door of a family who desperately needs a babysitter. She is greeted by Tuck, the oldest and most excited of her future pupils, who forces her in and declares her her new nanny. He and his brother also declare that she “soooo hot ”, complete with a big old thumb up, which she finds flattering and nothing weird or inappropriate.

Next, we meet Beau (Eddie Cibrian), the children’s father, and his girlfriend Summer, who always looks like he’s about to fall apart. They hear all of Bailey’s sad story – about how her boyfriend kicked her out of his band and he dropped everything in one night – but before they had a chance to say anything, a tornado siren sends everyone running into the basement, which is where the family’s nine previous nannies may or may not be buried. (For the record, no one says “I’m kidding” after the joke is made.)

Bailey tries to calm everyone’s nerves with an impromptu family jam session, which works … until it doesn’t work. The eldest daughter, Cassidy, has a seizure when she realizes that Bailey is using his late mother’s guitar, causing Tuck to have a seizure on his own. Apparently, Cassidy hasn’t let anyone in the family play his instruments for the past two years, and he’s tired of living life according to her feelings. Frankly, it’s a pretty bleak moment for the pilot of a cheerful Netflix comedy.

So it’s Nanny McPhee to the rescue, while Cassidy runs away in the middle of a potential tornado. Bailey is finally able to persuade her to come home – using colleagues american idol “Stronger,” by former student Kelly Clarkson, no less – but it is a close call. Seriously, they almost die several times.

And so, Bailey hits the family much like the storm that left her at their door in the first place. Like most TV nannies, she is completely disqualified for work, but as Beau points out, “The room is already tidy and you said you liked the mattress. ”So she was hired!

The debut of Country Comfort makes you want to have vertigo or vertigo? Weigh in our polls below, so leave a comment with your full review.
