Nerf unveils Hyper, its next generation of high-capacity blasters with the fastest refills of all time

Nerf Hasbro maker heard you loud and clear, Adam Savages of the world: you want to be able to shoot foam projectiles for days, without carrying a belt full of combs or bending down constantly to recharge.

Today, the company announces Nerf Hyper, a new line of blasters that not only fires harder (up to 33 meters per second) than any stock blaster, but also features the company’s fastest refills, thanks to a projectile from smaller foam that takes up so little space, you can fit 40 of them inside a blaster the size of a pistol. This is unheard of in Nerf. You can attach (or carry) 50 or 100 round containers to fill them quickly, like a paintball gun.

The Hyper Rush-40, with the optional 50-cartridge canister and $ 20 face mask.
Hasbro image

Hasbro doesn’t have a firm release date for Hyper yet after “2021”, but we have three blasters to start with:

  • THE $ 30 Nerf Hyper Rush-40 it is the 40-cartridge pistol I mentioned; it’s a single shot, spring action in which you pull the entire slide (including its integrated funnel) and then fire once.
  • THE $ 40 Hyper Siege-50 holds 50 shots in a pump action shotgun design that also features impact fire; hold the trigger and it will fire as fast as you pump. See at the top of our gallery below.
  • But the flagship is clearly the $ 70 Hyper Mach-100, a fully automatic SMG design that picks up D batteries and spits out foam balls from its 100-cartridge hopper. See at the top of this post.

Note that none of the new blasters really break the records for how many shots you get before reloading – the $ 100 Nerf Rival Nemesis, $ 100 Perses and $ 200 Prometheus already featured hoppers capable of accommodating 100 or more Hasbro’s larger Rival balls. Rival was already capable of 100 feet per second, so 110fps is not a big leap either.

No, it is the ratio between capacity and size of these engineers that is really impressive. “In the volume where you could once have held 25 Rival rounds, you can now fit 100 Hyper rounds,” said Hasbro senior vice president and Nerf brand manager Tom Warner. The Verge.

Where fan-favorite Perses just for very little put 100 in a large, robust SMG, unless you’ve invested in a replacement funnel, it might be easier now. The next time Nerf makes a large suspended cannon like the Prometheus, you will theoretically be able to fire 800 shots without reloading. And not so long ago, a six-shot revolver was considered the state of the art in stock Nerf guns.


And while you may end up spending on new ammunition, you can pay a lot less per shot if you buy in bulk. Although 50 and 100 cartridge refill packs sell for $ 12 and $ 20, respectively, you can buy a pack of 200 cartridges for less than $ 30. That equates to 15 cents per projectile – much less than 27 cents charged per Elite dart, not to mention 36 cents per Rival, 40 cents per Ultra or 50 cents for each Mega dart.

Hasbro told us that while we needed to find new material for Hyper balls, they should fly further now, although they are still capable of bouncing. No word on whether they will bow.

It has been more than five years since the Nerf community showed that Rival was perfect for high-capacity blasters and quick shots, and Nemesis and Perses were a great start, but Hasbro has also recently been defeated when it comes to long-range blasters. while he was still trying to sell us on his proprietary Ultra dart. But it seems that Hyper can do many of the things that Nerfers want at once.

I am very excited to see where Hyper fits into the new foam blaster target as soon as the pandemic recedes, and whether the community will adopt it or not.
