Nebraska governor presses for marijuana legalization: will ‘kill your kids’

Nebraska Gov. Pete RickettsPete RickettsOn The Trail: The political dangers of Snowmageddon DHS encourages vaccination regardless of immigration status Quarantined Nebraska Governor after exposure to COVID-19 MORE (R) spoke at a news conference against legislation that would legalize medical marijuana, saying it “would kill your children”.

If you legalize marijuana, you will kill your children, ”said Ricketts on Wednesday.

A bill on the legislature’s Judiciary Committee would legalize medical marijuana, but state senator Anna Wishart (D) said on Wednesday that the Senate will not have the last word, The Associated Press reported.

Wishart said those who advocate legalizing marijuana will push for an electoral measure if the state does not pass the legislation.

“It is dangerous to bypass the established process that we have to determine whether or not drugs are safe and effective and why legalizing marijuana and bypassing the regulatory process to keep people safe is dangerous and harms our children,” said the governor.

A marijuana legalization measure would be on the ballot last year, but the Nebraska Supreme Court withdrew it because of a rule that prohibited multiple issues from being grouped into a single yes-no question. The measure included the issues of marijuana use and cultivation rights and how to regulate it.

Supporters believe they have revised the measure in order for the court to accept it in the vote, according to The Associated Press.

An increasing number of states have passed legislation that legalizes marijuana for medical or recreational use.

One account passed on in February in Virginia that will legalize recreational use of marijuana in the state in 2024.
