Nearly a dozen Republican senators announce plans to vote against counting electoral votes

Republican lawmakers said they intend to reject votes from the Electoral College of several states until an “emergency 10-day audit” of election results in “disputed states” is completed. The group includes Sens. Ted Cruz from Texas, Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, James Lankford from Oklahoma, Steve Daines from Montana, John Kennedy from Louisiana, Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee, and Mike Braun from Indiana and elected Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming, Roger Marshall from Kansas, Bill Hagerty from Tennessee and Tommy Tuberville from Alabama.

“A fair and reliable audit – conducted quickly and completed well before January 20 – would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and significantly increase the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next president. We owe it to the people,” they said. them in a statement.

They added that the Congressional vote on January 6 is “the only constitutional power left to consider and enforce the multiple allegations of serious electoral fraud”.

None of the Republican rulers who opposed Biden’s victory opposed their own victories on the same day on the same ballots, using the same electoral systems.

CNN previously reported that at least 140 House Republicans will vote against counting electoral votes in Congress, according to two members of the Republican Party.

On Wednesday, Republican Missouri senator Josh Hawley became the first senator to announce plans to oppose the results – a significant move, as both a member of the House and a senator are required to raise an objection when Congress tells electoral votes.

This is breaking news and will be updated.
