Nashville shaken by an explosion considered intentional

NASHVILLE – An explosion that authorities believe was intentional shook the deserted streets of downtown Nashville early on Christmas morning, smashing windows, damaging buildings and injuring three people.

Police spokesman Don Aaron said the 6:30 am explosion was considered “an intentional act”. Police said they believed a vehicle was involved in the explosion. Aaron said three people were taken to hospitals in the region for treatment, although none were in critical condition.

The FBI will take the lead in the investigation, said spokesman Joel Siskovic. Federal investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were also on the scene.

Black smoke and flames were spotted on Friday exiting the area, which is full of bars, restaurants and other retail outlets and is known as the heart of downtown Nashville’s tourist scene.

The buildings trembled in the immediate area and beyond after a loud crash was heard.

Buck McCoy, who lives near the area, posted videos on Facebook that showed water running down the roof of his home. Alarms sounded in the background while screams from people in distress were heard. A fire is visible in the street outside. McCoy said his home windows were completely destroyed.

“All my windows, each one exploded in the next room. If I were there, it would have been awful, ”he said.

“It looked like a bomb. It was so big, ”he told the Associated Press.

Smoke rises from downtown Nashville after the explosion.


Andrew Nelles / Associated Press

“There were about four cars on fire. I don’t know if it was so hot that they caught fire and the trees were destroyed, ”he said.

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee

said on Twitter that the state would provide the necessary resources “to determine what happened and who was responsible. Please join @MariaLeeTN and me in prayer for those who were injured and we thank all of our first respondents who acted so quickly this morning. “

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