Najee Harris ignores agents’ advice not to practice at the Senior Bowl

COLLEGE FOOTBALL: JAN 11 CFP National Championship - Alabama x Ohio State

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As more and more college football players make business decisions about the pre-draft process, an important prospect decided to throw caution, and perhaps money, into the wind.

Bucky Brooks of NFL Media says, through Joe Schad of Palm Beach Post, that former Alabama runner Najee Harris has decided to practice at the Senior Bowl, against the advice of their agents. Harris decided that he could not attend the Senior Bowl and not compete.

It’s a great attitude, but there comes a point where the will to compete now needs to take second place in relation to the will to compete later. The hay is in the barn for Harris; there is no reason to risk any type of injury that could impact your stock.

And if Harris doesn’t listen to his agents at this point, that’s not a good sign that the relationship will continue. Either the player does not listen to good advice or the agents are not doing a job good enough to reach the customer.

Regardless, someone needs to step in and tell Harris that, despite what anyone in the Senior Bowl or coaching staff may be saying, it is not in their interest to do anything but undergo interviews.

UPDATE 11:00 ET: According to a source with knowledge of the situation, Harris did not really participate in the complete practice. He did some parallel work. Regardless, anything he does at this point (except for Pro Day training) serves only to create unnecessary physical risks.
