My brothers bully my sensitive boyfriend

DEAR HARRIETTE: I grew up in a house full of boys. I have four brothers who were loud and loud. In addition, my father had a great presence in the house.

Harriette Cole

I have a boyfriend who is the opposite of them. He is sensitive and attentive. As much as I love my family, I would never call them sensitive. My boyfriend cries when we watch certain movies or when sad things happen. I like that about him.

But it leaves you vulnerable when you are close to my family. They constantly nudge and tease him because he is “soft”. When I tell them how much I like him and appreciate his softer side, they laugh at me.

How can I get my family to receive him if he is so different from them? Frankly, they can be bullies.

Stop bullying my man

WANTED STOP BULLYING MY MAN: Your boyfriend will have to find a level of comfort for himself with his family. You cannot do this for him.

He doesn’t have to become a bully or try to be different than he is, but he needs to establish his own space among the boys. My guess is that he will need to be able to ignore them, dodge their provocations and stand his ground.

What you can do is make it clear that your family knows how much you care about him. You must also ignore their mockery. If you don’t add fuel to the fire, it can decrease.
