My AirPods 3 wish list: everything I hope Apple will change this year

Apple Airpods Pro

AirPods (left) and AirPods Pro (right). The original AirPods could adopt the Pro look this year.

Sarah Tew / CNET

Apple may have the new AirPods 3 ready in 2021. After spending a year stuck in my house and trying to get the job done, AirPods have become a virtually essential tool. There are many other great Bluetooth headsets, but AirPods are still impressively instant and have really good microphones. In addition, being able to switch from ear to ear helped me extend battery life, reserving my way in long meetings.

O Second generation AirPods are almost two years old, while AirPods Pro are over a year old, and continued to evolve. Apple added spatial audio in 2020, and the extremely expensive AirPods Max arrived with a different proposal (I prefer small headphones, not big headphones), so what will AirPods 3 bring? And what do I really want? For me, it’s mostly about a better connection.

The AirPods Pro Lite buttons can change all AirPods to the Pro look

The latest reports say that third generation AirPods will look like the Pros, without active noise cancellation and space audio features. Which means they will have shorter stems and replaceable ear tips in different sizes.

I appreciate the design of the AirPod Pro and its less visible appearance, but I have mixed feelings about the ear tips. The deeper sensation inside the ear closes for better noise blocking, but I appreciate the easier, friendlier design of the originals for casual call monitoring. Perhaps Apple will share the difference in some way.

AirPods Pro Lite can also end up being more expensive than second generation AirPods, which is not ideal. Perhaps they would deliver better sound or better battery life to make the possible price increase worthwhile.


AirPods Pro has pass-through audio and noise cancellation. Don’t expect all this on basic AirPods, but I hope that advances can be made in the Bluetooth connection.

Angela Lang / CNET

I want AirPods to switch devices even more easily

Apple’s latest iOS 14 and Big Sur Operating system updates have helped AirPods connect to Apple devices automatically more quickly, but I still think I have to check if AirPods are paired during a Zoom or FaceTime. Sometimes, I also encounter bugs that disconnect AirPods.

However, I don’t just want to switch to whatever device I’m using: I want to actively switch while doing multitasking or even merging sources. I look at my phone, laptop and even a TV at the same time. I would love to tap and select to switch, or maybe even use head orientation as a way for AirPods to somehow perceive which device I am using. The latest Apple devices have U1 chips that can spatially recognize where other Apple devices are. The new AirPods could also take advantage of this. Keep in mind that even the expensive AirPods Max don’t have a U1 chip, so cheaper AirPods don’t either … but it’s an interesting thought.

Or I would even love a way to mix sources (a feed from my laptop, video from my iPhone). Apple already mixes external ambient noise with an audio source via Transparency – could you go further? Or could Apple adopt smarter audio analysis of ambient noise and adjust what you’re listening to to increase treble, bass or spoken voice?

Apple Airpods Pro

AirPods don’t measure heart rate, but they should work even more closely with the Apple Watch, which does.

Sarah Tew / CNET

What about AirPods fitness features?

Apple just launched its own Fitness Plus workout subscription service, which requires a Apple Watch. AirPods are an important part of the Apple Watch-music-training triangle, but so far the Airpods’ integrated touch controls are quite limiting and lack positional awareness.

Read More: A week with Apple Fitness Plus: Overcoming my blocking weight gain

Adding more shortcuts or touch gestures for exercise and activity tracking can be smart, and would it be possible for AirPods to recognize when you’re starting to run or exercise? AirPods Pro have gyroscopes and accelerometers that can unlock more movement and positional awareness. Next generation AirPods Pro can enter more into that territory, but hopefully third generation AirPods too.

Apple is unlikely to add real health tracking sensors, such as step count or heart rate, to AirPods. But the Apple Watch and AirPods should form yet another symbiotic pair. Heart rate and fitness readings, perhaps even deeper control of the watch with AirPods commands. But it should be noted that the ears are a good place to measure your heart rate.

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1 year with AirPods Pro


We will learn more about Airpods 3 later this year, probably

I wouldn’t postpone getting AirPods now, but keep in mind that new models should arrive before the end of 2021. Battery life, audio performance and fitness are logical places to focus. But I hope that they will also find a way to be wearable to connect to everything more reliable and better.
