Musicians are making fun remixes of the Wii’s Mii channel music and banging

While the Nintendo Wii may be most famous for ushering in an era of motion-based controls for console games, one of its most enduring legacies is fantastic music in some of its system applications. Remember the music on the Wii Shop Channel? It’s still so good. And on the last day, producer and composer Alex Moukala started a trend by celebrating another of the system’s famous songs, making funky remixes of the Mii Channel songs.

This is the original version, in case you haven’t heard it in a while:

Now listen to Moukala phenomenal outlet:

Moukala then had the inspired idea of ​​inviting others to make your own versions, and some of the results are fantastic. Here are just a few that I liked:

Game composers also joined, as Sonic Mania composer Tee Lopes:

AND heavenly composer Lena Raine:

I could honestly add a dozen more tweets here. Each of those I heard was incredible. I highly encourage you to check the #MiiChannelJam hashtag on Twitter and Moukala’s Twitter profile where he has been sharing many great contributions.
