Murkowski says he’s not thinking about joining the Democratic caucus

Republican Sen. Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann MurkowskiMcConnell discloses procedures for Trump’s second Senate impeachment trial. Republicans warn Democrats against Trump’s impeachment again. Pressure grows for Trump to leave MORE (Alaska) responded “absolutely, unequivocally no” when asked if she was considering moving to the Democratic Party.

Liz Ruskin, an Alaskan public radio reporter, asked Murkowski if she was planning to become a Democrat amid speculation about her identity within the Republican Party.

No. No. Absolutely, unmistakably not, ”replied Murkowski.

Murkowski’s rumors of changing party affiliation started when she said that “if the Republican Party has become nothing more than Trump’s party, I sincerely question whether this is the party for me.”

Murkowski is the first Republican senator who asked Trump to step down since the Capitol attacks on Wednesday, when Trump called protesters “special” and continued to promote his allegations of electoral fraud.

Sen. Ben SasseBen SasseMcConnell discloses procedures for Trump’s second Senate impeachment trial Dershowitz says he would defend Trump again in impeachment trial Pressure grows on Trump to get out MORE (R-Neb.) He signaled that he can support the impeachment if he can get through the Chamber and depending on why the National Guard was not sent during the riot.

This is not the first time Murkowski has gone against his Republican counterparts. The most notable moment when Murkowski resisted the GOP and Trump was during the confirmation of the Supreme Court judge Brett KavanaughBrett Michael Kavanaugh Murkowski becomes the first Republican senator to ask Trump to step down from the 50-50 Senate opens the door to solutions that last longer than Trump’s moment of violence. For conservative judges, faith in ‘religious freedom’ trumps public health, when she simply voted “present”.

Trump had already threatened to support Murkowski’s main opponent when she ran for re-election in 2022. Murkowski has been in the Senate since 2002.

There are increasing calls from people on both sides of the aisle to remove Trump from office; however, Vice President Pence has already said that he does not support the use of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump.
