Muriel Bowser, DC’s mayor, urges people to avoid DC, as the National Guard plans to have up to 15,000 soldiers in the city

Meanwhile, the National Guard plans to have up to 15,000 National Guard soldiers to meet current and future requests for possession, said Gen. Daniel Hokanson, head of the National Guard Office. The dramatic increase in the number of soldiers occurs when police in the capital and across the country are preparing for more extremist violence amid the transition of power.

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Bowser, a Democrat, stressed that she is concerned about the possibility of more violent actors coming to the city in the run-up to the inauguration, saying: “If I’m afraid of something, it’s because of our democracy, because we have very extreme factions in our country that are armed and are dangerous. ”

“Trumpism will not die on January 20,” said Bowser, who asked Trump and Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf to declare a pre-disaster statement for DC.

“Our goals now are to encourage Americans to participate virtually and protect the District of Columbia from a repeat of the violent uprising experienced on Capitol Hill and its grounds on January 6,” said Bowser.

She is also asking the Trump administration to cancel public collection authorizations between 10 and 24 January.

Bowser’s request for an emergency declaration would unlock additional funds for the city’s security efforts for the inauguration. The mayor finally assessed in a letter to Trump over the weekend that, despite the city’s security features, “significant preparation gaps remain that cannot be remedied without this emergency declaration and direct federal assistance.”

Bowser told CBS’s “Face the Nation” program on Sunday that he will also ask the Department of Homeland Security to initiate a “special national security event” schedule ahead of schedule, as well as include the US Capitol in its coverage area for the inauguration.

Last month, Biden’s camp asked people not to travel to DC for the opening, citing the worsening of the coronavirus pandemic. The reduced festivities will feature a virtual program to allow Americans to participate from home.

The National Parks Service also announced Monday that it will close the Washington Monument to visitors for more than two weeks, including opening time.

The park service said it also “may institute the temporary closure of public access to roads, parking areas and restrooms within the National Mall and Memorial Parks if conditions permit, to protect public safety and park resources. “

A defense official told CNN on Monday that National Guard troops that are already scheduled for the inauguration are starting to arrive and the plan is to have 10,000 in the city by Saturday.

There is a full rehearsal with the troops this week in DC. The Justice Department’s command center will be extremely robust, with virtually all Cabinet departments and law enforcement agencies connected, the official said.

There are currently 6,200 members of the National Guard who have already been mobilized following last week’s attack on the Capitol by pro-Trump supporters.

This story has been updated with additional reports and background information.

Ali Main, Gregory Wallace, Pete Muntean and Paul LeBlanc of CNN contributed to this report.
