MP Marjorie Taylor Greene trusts Twitter after blocking allegations of electoral fraud

Pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol on January 6, after President Donald Trump delivered a speech in front of the White House urging his supporters to “be strong”. In the wake of the violence, Twitter has suspended tens of thousands of accounts, including President Donald Trump is permanently.

In a Monday morning topic of 14 tweets directed at Twitter, Greene criticized the company for banning Trump from its platform and for its content policies.

“Tweets that you consider ‘appropriate’ and ‘safe’ and ‘true’ compared to tweets that you consider ‘incitement to violence’ and ‘disclosure of false information’ and ‘allegations of electoral fraud are contested’ are so often, in the opinion of many, stop being hypocritical and false, ”said Greene in the topic. “Without the debate of ideas, opinions and argumentation of the truth, Twitter and other similar state police platforms will end up losing.”

This is not the first time that a social network has taken action on its posts.

In September, a Facebook spokesman said the company removed a photo she posted of her holding a gun next to images of the Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (DN.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) And Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) Who called on people to “continue to offend against these socialists. “

The freshman legislator, who POLITICO revealed in June has been on Facebook videos showing her racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic views, has conquered a heavily Republican district of Georgia. She joined freshman colleague Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) At a camp that supported Trump a lot and immersed himself in conspiracy theories, fragmenting the new GOP class.

Trump called Greene “future republican star. “
