Most New York restaurants can reach 75% capacity by mid-March, says Cuomo

Syracuse, NY – Restaurants outside of New York City may start operating at 75% from March 19, Governor Andrew Cuomo said today.

“This news is very good,” said Cuomo today. “Seventy-five percent is what the consumer is ready for.”

The date is the same day that Connecticut is opening its restaurants 100%, Cuomo said. Massachusetts restaurants reached 100% on March 1, he said.

Cuomo said that if Covid-19’s cases increase, he could readjust New York’s expansion date.

The change in the capacity of the restaurants will follow the new more restricted powers of the governor, which the Legislature approved at the end of last week. Cuomo said he plans to sign this legislation today.

Under the new rules, changes like this are expected to be publicly announced and give lawmakers five days to comment on the changes. If, ultimately, legislators don’t like the changes, the legislature can vote against the amended executive order.

Today’s announcement comes at a time when the number of hospitalizations for Covid-19 has dropped to its lowest levels in about three months. Currently, 999 people are in intensive care, the lowest number since December 9.

The state also recorded 59 deaths on the last day, the lowest number since December 6.

Over the past week, New York has administered more than 1 million doses of vaccine, according to state data.

So far, New York has totally vaccinated nearly 2 million people, said Cuomo.

This week, the state hopes to administer another 850,000 doses of vaccines.

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