Mortal Kombat 11 gets a first / third person mod and looks wild

By Sherif Saed, Thursday, January 7, 2021 10:42 GMT

Mortal Kombat 11 was never meant to be played in first or third person, but what if it was?

Mortal Kombat 11 it’s probably at the bottom of the list of games with an active modding scene, but every now and then someone decides to deliver a crazy idea.

We’ve seen camera mods before in the last NetherRealm, which offered a rare view of Fatalities and several stages of angles that they shouldn’t be seen at.

Modder Ermaccer’s contribution is MK11Hook, a modding package that lets you tinker with the camera, control the speed of the game and much more. MK11Hook is no different than MKXHook, a similar plugin that activates most of the same functions, created for Mortal Kombat 10 by the same modder.

The biggest advantage of running these plug-ins over standard cheating mechanisms is that they offer an in-game menu that you can use to quickly switch states or cameras without having to constantly worry about memory addresses and so on.

One of the most obvious uses of MK11Hook is that it allows you to change the perspective to first or third person in fights, which is achieved through a camera hack. It’s not the most polished “first-person mod”, but it’s fascinating to watch.

The video above shows some of these perspectives, including the first and third person. If you’re curious, you can download the open source mod from Github.

Thank you, DSOGaming.

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