More Utahns received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine than tested positive for the virus

Almost 85,000 Utahns are fully vaccinated, having received both doses of the vaccine.

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Julyn Shepherd fills syringes for Utah County residents to receive their COVID-19 vaccines at an old Shopko store in Spanish Fork, Wednesday, January 27, 2021.

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The number of Utahns who received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine now exceeds the total number of positive tests for the disease.

According to the Utah Department of Health, almost 363,000 doses have been injected into patients – including the first and second doses. That is about 11,400 more than the number of coronavirus cases reported in the state.

As of Thursday, 84,154 Utahns were fully vaccinated, having received both doses of the vaccine.

The Utah coronavirus-related death count exceeded 1,700, with an additional 14 reported deaths. (Three of these deaths occurred before January 14 and have only recently been confirmed as a result of COVID-19.)

Generally, there has been a decline in the spread of the virus by the community “across the state,” said state epidemiologist Dr. Angela Dunn on Thursday. There are hotspots, like Summit County and southwestern Utah, so there’s an extra focus there in terms of tracking and contact testing, she said.

“Things are looking very, very good for us in Utah,” she said, as long as people continue to follow coronavirus prevention guidelines, particularly important with the spread of the COVID-19 variants.

Vaccinations reported the day before / total vaccinations • 17,522 / 362,701.

Cases reported the previous day • 1,273.

Deaths reported the day before • 14

Salt Lake County reported six deaths – two men aged 45 to 64, two men and a woman aged 65 to 84, and a woman over 85.

There have been three deaths in Weber County – a woman aged 45 to 64, a woman aged 65 to 84 and a woman aged 85 or older.

Two men from Box Elder County died, both 65 to 84 years old.

And three counties reported a single death – a 65- to 84-year-old man in Davis County; a 65- to 84-year-old man in Utah County; and a 65-84 year old man in Washington County

Hospitalizations reported the previous day • 365. That’s 13 starting on Wednesday. Of those currently hospitalized, 125 are in intensive care units – six more than on Wednesday.

Tests reported the day before • 9,419.

Percentage of positive tests • 13.5%. This is less than the 16.5% seven-day average.

Totals to date • 351,273 cases; 1,711 deaths; 13,697 hospitalizations; 2,054,230 tests.
