More than 40% of people reported symptoms of depression and anxiety since the start of the pandemic, according to the survey

Young Hispanic man, wearing protective mask on his face, standing near the window and looking at the street in times of coronavirus crisis, staying at home

One year after the start of the pandemic, an analysis of the impact on mental health. (Photo: Getty Images)

When COVID-19 was first reported in the United States, many were optimistic that it would come and go quickly enough. But after a few weeks, reality settled in and took a toll, not only on our physical selves, but also on our collective mental health. In the past year, many people have struggled with feelings of isolation, anxiety, depression and despair due to the global pandemic. Many lost loved ones, missed funerals, births and other milestones, and dealt with emotions that some may not have experienced before. What was the overall impact on the mental health of our nation’s people last year?

According to a recent Yahoo / YouGov survey, 35% of adults in the United States report that their mental health has worsened since the pandemic began. And an even higher percentage (44 percent) reported an increase in depression last year, with 48 percent saying their anxiety symptoms had also increased.

“The impacts of COVID-19 on mental health are just beginning to be fully understood,” said Catherine Burns, a psychologist and clinical supervisor at COVID Support Vermont. “As time goes by, we are developing a clearer image that increasingly highlights the experiences of stress, anxiety and depression around the world.”

Burns, who is also the director of quality for Vermont Care Partners, says it is not just physical and mental health and economic impacts directly related to the pandemic that are affecting people, but also “social unrest events, concerns about the future. of our country and other significant global environmental concerns. “And among the people most affected by these impacts are people of color and women, as well as those with pre-existing mental health, substance use or medical problems.

The Yahoo / YouGov poll revealed similar statistics, with 39 percent of women reporting a worsening of their overall mental health (compared to 31 percent of men) and 52 percent of women also reporting more anxiety (as opposed to 42 percent of men). Burns points to a study published in Borders which identified some of the reasons why women were so negatively affected, including the fact that there are more women in service positions and frontline health professionals, which exposed them to COVID-19 at higher rates, as well as increases in workloads at home due to having to care for family members at home during quarantine.

“In addition, endorsed by these authors was an increase in domestic violence, child abuse and an increase in social isolation and subsequent decrease in emotional support, which contributes to increased stress, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder ”Adds Burns.

Psychologist Ernesto Lira de la Rosa, a member of the media advisory board of the Hope for Depression Research Foundation, points to something called minority stress theory.

This theory “states that individuals with minority identities not only experience general day-to-day stressors, they also experience additional stressors that are unique to their minority identities. This theory can be useful in understanding why we see women, racial and ethnic minorities at LGBTQ + community, reporting higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress, “says Lira de la Rosa. “In particular, the pandemic has had a negative impact on the lives of many African American / black and Latino individuals, as well as other underrepresented groups.”

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In fact, 59 percent of Hispanic participants in the Yahoo / YouGov survey reported worse mental health conditions – more than any other minority in the survey (23 percent of black respondents reported poorer overall mental health).

“We [in the Hispanic community] they tend to be very close, “says Brandie Carlos, therapist and owner of Therapy for Latinx.” I even joke that parties are a language of love in our community, and not having access to a sense of belonging has been very difficult. In addition, we live with huge disparities when it comes to wealth, health care and human rights. “

Carlos says he witnessed several announcements in his own Los Angeles community about Hispanic individuals lost to COVID-19, most of whom were essential workers who could not stay at home.

Lira de la Rosa says that COVID-19 only exacerbated the health disparities that existed before the pandemic. “These disparities are often seen in the lack of access to health care, preventive services, as well as discrimination and racism, negatively impacting the physical and mental well-being of the Latinx community,” he explains.

The Yahoo / YouGov survey revealed another interesting statistic: the age group that reported feeling sadder or depressed (50%), in addition to worsening overall mental health (47%), was the age group of 18 to 29 years. Although this age group is often seen as resilient, there is no doubt that this major change has affected the country’s youth.

“In terms of development, emerging and young adults are building their futures, economically, emotionally, socially and professionally, just to have their plans thwarted and paralyzed. It is not surprising that Generation Z groups are experiencing the uncertainty of the pandemic more profound and therefore report more related to stress, anxiety and depression, “says Burns.

“I can’t imagine finally graduating from high school or starting college for the first time because of a pandemic. There are so many rituals that we have as a society that mark the beginning of adulthood, and this generation has not had access to these things. It is valid that they feel disappointed, frustrated and deprived of an experience ”, says Carlos.

This same demographic group reported the greatest number of thoughts about leaving the job as a whole (41 percent), as well as for reasons of parental stress (62 percent).

“Parents got a new job during the pandemic: teaching and helping their children at school and getting involved in distance learning. This has been an incredible challenge for those who also work from home,” said Stephanie Rojas, a mental health counselor. licensed with Emerging Mental Health Services.

There are additional factors that have affected parents (and probably their desire to leave their jobs), as noted by Kimberly Malloy, a licensed marriage and family therapist who also tried COVID-19.

“Parents had to take care of and manage not only their own anxiety in their work, their relationships and the community, but they also had to be diligent in caring for their children’s mental health. The pain that parents carry was multiplied while they watched, at often helpless, their children navigate the loss of their own community, sports activities and school, “says Malloy. “The back and forth of concentrating on work, being interrupted and having to get back to the task often makes the tasks take longer to complete. We found that we are not so good at constant multitasking without suffering some consequences.”

Rojas adds: “It is important to ensure that parents receive support from others as much as possible. This may mean looking for the school’s support staff and being in contact with their child’s teacher or principal.”

Speaking of asking for help, these experts offer a series of self-care tips for those dealing with intensified mental health problems as the pandemic progresses. Rojas recommends hiking, writing a diary and cooking, among other easy options.

“Connect with someone outside the home every day. While it’s not the same as talking to someone on the phone or via a virtual connection, making a social connection every day is an important way to make up for physical health problems. and mental effects of loneliness, “says Burns.

“I … encourage people to take a compassionate approach to themselves and others … It is normal to recognize that you are a human being and are going through a difficult time,” said Lira de la Rosa. “I also strongly encourage people to use professional mental health services. Individual therapy or group therapy services are available for those who need additional support … as well as to learn healthier coping skills during the pandemic ”.

On a more practical level, Carlos recommends that anyone dealing with financial issues, which can increase stress, seek all available resources, including unemployment, pandemic assistance, PPP loans and food stamps.

“In addition to the practical, be aware of what is being involved, both in social networks and in real life,” says Carlos. “Find out what brings you relief and what energizes you, and enjoy those things throughout the week.”

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