More than 370 cases of Coronavirus variant in the UK now on CT

CONNECTICUT – The State Department of Public Health released the latest data on the spread of the coronavirus variant across the state. Although the UK variant constitutes about 40 percent of the new cases reported, the remaining variant cases are much less.

Variants of the virus are observed closely, as they have mutations that cause them to act in different and significant ways for public health.

In the state there are now 379 cases of the United Kingdom variant, 7 of the South African, two of the Brazilian, two of the Californian B.1.427 and seven of the Californian B.1.429. The Yale School of Public Health reported that 44 cases of coronavirus strain B.1.526, the so-called “New York variant”, were detected in Connecticut, but were not included in the most recent DPH data set.

The daily rate of coronavirus in the state dropped more than a full point in the data released on Friday, from 3.88 to 2.85 percent – a very welcome break. On Thursday, the 7-day average had risen in the past three weeks.

The most important metric for assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the state has been hospitalizations, and that statistic has grown steadily, rising 75 beds since March 11. There are currently 456 Connecticut residents hospitalized with the virus, including 22 reported on Friday.

Another 1,699 cases were recorded by the DPH, bringing the state total to 305,210. The number of deaths from the virus in Connecticut is now 7,865, with three more deaths reported overnight.

See too: VP Harris visits CT Child Development Center
