More than 366,000 Wisconsin residents complete the vaccine series as the 7-day positive rate remains below 3%

2 23 21 Covid 19 in Wi numbers

MADISON, Wisconsin – More than 366,000 Wisconsin residents received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the state’s Department of Health Services.

A total of 1,208,151 doses were administered in Wisconsin, including 19,277 the previous day. Health officials said 14% of Wisconsin residents received at least one dose, while 6.3% completed the vaccine series on Tuesday afternoon.

DHS officials are planning to open four more community vaccination clinics in the state in the next two months.

The average percentage of positive seven days in the test remained at 2.6%, the lowest since March.

Positive percentage per test panel 11Health officials confirmed 566 new cases of the virus on Tuesday, which is below the seven-day moving average of 604. The state has reached a historic total of 560,564 confirmed cases, and 8,526 of those cases are active.

With 33 new deaths reported, the number of deaths across the state is 6,317. The latest total came after the state did not confirm a new death for two consecutive days.

Another 63 people were hospitalized between Monday and Tuesday, according to DHS data. Of Wisconsin’s 10,766 hospital beds, 23% are available for new patients.

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