More Americans have been vaccinated against COVID than infected

More Americans were vaccinated against COVID-19, until Monday, than infected with the disease, as the spread of inoculation across the country continues, according to a report.

According to the Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker, 26.5 million people in the U.S. have already received at least one dose of the vaccine, exceeding the 26.2 million cases of coronavirus since the pandemic began.

“It is important to note that today, for the first time, the data indicates that more people have been vaccinated than reported as newly diagnosed cases,” said Paula Cannon, a professor at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.

“It is worth celebrating. I am totally in favor of this victory ”, she said.

The milestone comes at a time when the United States leads the world in daily rates of vaccines against coronavirus, with about 1.35 million doses administered per day, according to Bloomberg.

About 7.8% of Americans have already received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 1.8% of the population is fully vaccinated, the report said.
