Monthly love horoscope from January 1st to 31st, 2021, by zodiac sign

The artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach and motivational speaker Kate Rose puts into words what all the signs of the zodiac can expect in love and relationships starting in January 2021.

Your monthly love horoscope for January 2021 begins with the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo.

There is a sense of intense new beginnings surrounding us.

The weight of the Capricorn season is upon us all.

Now that Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius and will soon be followed by Mercury and the Sun, an influx of Aquarian energy will bring uniqueness to all of us.

RELATED: Mars in Taurus: Love Horoscope for January 6, 2021 – March 3, 2021

Make sure to set your agenda for the next few days, as each will bring something special to focus on related to love.

Important dates and topics that affect your monthly love horoscope in January 2021:

January 6, Mars in Taurus:

Reassessing current / prospective relationships

January 8, Venus in Capricorn and Mercury in Aquarius:

Important conversations about the future and proposals / engagements

January 11, Jupiter in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries:

Forgiveness and taking a new chance in love

January 13, New Moon in Capricorn:
