Model claims Alexander Wang groped his groin at a crowded New York club in 2017

Acclaimed designer Alexander Wang has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by several people

The acclaimed stylist Alexander Wang has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by several individuals

A model’s allegation that she was sexually abused by Alexander Wang in a crowded New York club in 2017 sparked an attack of accusations against the acclaimed stylist.

Owen Mooney, model and graphic designer, presented his story in two TikTok videos that went viral on Monday.

In the first video, Mooney claimed he had been “touched up” by a “very famous designer” while he and his friends watched rapper CupcakKe perform at a club three years ago. He did not provide a name until the second video, after commentators guessed it was Wang.

‘I was alone at one point and this guy next to me obviously took advantage of the fact that nobody could fucking move,’ said Mooney.

‘And he just started touching me. Like, totally in my leg, in my groin. It made me freeze completely because I was in shock.

‘So I look to my left to see who he was and was a really famous fashion designer and I just couldn’t believe he was doing this to me.’

He described the incident as “very f ** ked up” and said he had to “move away slowly” from the designer he labeled “sexual predator” in his second video.

Mooney’s account was among more than a dozen posts on Instagram and Twitter by industry watchdog Sh * t Model Management (SMM) on Monday, most of which were shared through claims screenshots sent by anonymous users.

Some of the accusers, which included transgender men and women and cisgender men, told stories similar to Mooney’s. Others claimed that Wang drugged his drinks with MDMA without his knowledge.

Wang’s representatives did not respond to several requests for comment from

The designer, who became known for his star-studded parties after the successful launch of his brand in 2005, declined to comment when approached by WWD and InStyle.

Owen Mooney, a model and graphic designer, presented his story in two TikTok videos (pictured) that went viral on Monday.  In the first video (above) Mooney claimed that he was

He didn't provide a name until the second video (above), after comments guessed it was Wang

Owen Mooney, model and graphic designer, presented his story in two TikTok videos that went viral on Monday. In the first video (left) Mooney claimed that he was ‘touched up’ by a ‘very famous designer’ while he and his friends watched rapper CupcakKe perform at a club three years ago. He didn’t provide a name until the second video (on the right), after commentators guessed it was Wang

“With everything that has come up, I want the focus to be on the many allegations that arose after I shared my story,” said Mooney on Monday. ‘Although what happened to me is unacceptable, the stories being told by other victims are the reason why I went public’

Mooney did not return several requests for comment from, but released a brief statement on Monday.

“With everything that has come up, I want the focus to be on the many allegations that came up after I shared my story,” said Mooney, according to Insider.

“Although what happened to me was unacceptable, the stories being told by other victims are the reason why I went public.”

Insider also spoke with another accuser, Nick Ward, who claimed that Wang “grabbed” his groin at a DJ event in Brooklyn in 2017.

“When he was passing, he rocked, shook me and kept walking,” said Ward.

‘The moment I realized what happened, I just announced to my friend:’ that guy grabbed my ass ‘and they’re all like,’ that was Alexander Wang ‘.’

Ward first detailed the incident in a Twitter thread on September 11, 2017, which was shared on Instagram by the fashion account Diet Prada, which has more than 2.3 million followers.

Both Diet Prada and SMM urged their followers to boycott Wang’s brand in light of the allegations.

“Alexander Wang is an alleged sexual predator, many male models and trans models came up and talked about the alleged sexual abuse that Alexander Wang inflicted on them,” said the SMM post.

“It is important to show your support for these victims by not following Alexander Wang and boycotting his clothing line.”

The charges against Wang went viral on Monday when the industry watchdog Sh * t Model Management posted stories from several different accusers on Instagram (photo)

The charges against Wang went viral on Monday when the industry watchdog Sh * t Model Management posted stories from several different accusers on Instagram (photo)

Wang, 37, declined to comment on the charges on Tuesday.  He is photographed with Naomi Campbell and Janet Jackson in January

Wang, 37, declined to comment on the charges on Tuesday. He is photographed with Naomi Campbell and Janet Jackson in January

New York stylist (pictured in 2018) Met Gala with Kylie Jenner is known for his party lifestyle and for hosting star-studded events.

Wang is photographed with model Hailey Bieber in 2019

The New York stylist (pictured on the left with Kylie Jenner and on the right with Bella Hadid) is known for his party lifestyle and for hosting star-studded events

One of the unidentified accusers who spoke to SMM claimed that his friend, who is a trans man, was riding in a limo with Wang after a party “a while ago” when the stylist offered him water and made sure he drank it .

“A few moments later, they realized they were rolling and giving Molly water,” said the anonymous person.

“This was a normal occurrence because a year after hearing this story, I also heard other people confirm that they were also drugged on the way to any after-party.”

Another alleged victim also claimed that Wang did the same ‘Molly’s water trick with me’, while the third accused him of drugging two friends in 2014.

Diet Prada said the charges against Wang had been circulating for months, if not years.

In its post, the account shared screenshots of rapper Azealia Banks’ Instagram stories posted in 2019, which included anonymous allegations against Wang.

Although Banks’ posts disappeared from his Instagram, they were captured and archived by Twitter users.

Wang turned off comments on his last Instagram post on Monday. Your brand’s official Instagram account did the same for all of your posts.

An alleged victim also claimed that Wang did the same 'Molly's water trick with me

Another accused him of drugging two friends in 2014

One alleged victim also claimed that Wang did the same ‘Molly’s water trick with me’, while another accused him of drugging two friends in 2014.

Wang, who is openly gay, is seen at the New York LGBT Pride March on June 24, 2018

Wang, who is openly gay, is seen at the New York LGBT Pride March on June 24, 2018

WWD spoke to a lawyer, Harley Lewin, who has worked with Wang on several intellectual property cases in the past, about the scandal that has spread through social media.

Lewin said he does not represent Wang, but considers him ‘a friend and colleague’.

– I didn’t see him cross the line, so to speak. I know he is a very kind and caring person, ‘he said.

He did not comment on the specific allegations against Wang, but spoke extensively about similar situations.

“I have been on both sides of these situations,” said Lewin. “There are compelling reasons to treat any allegation of misconduct with respect, credibility and credibility. People have to introduce themselves and maybe expose themselves to ridicule or other similarly unpleasant things that happen to people on the Internet. ‘

“The flip side is that there is often a level of innocence or stupidity, frankly. Old school people acting out of the old school, not being sensitive without intention, but still getting out of line. ‘

Lewin said he was personally “wrongly accused” without providing further details, as he urged the public not to jump to conclusions.

“I have enormous sympathy on both sides,” he said. “I would simply recommend that people be given adequate credibility to be heard from both sides. And that people refrain from making judgments based on allegations and complaints of public statements in the press. ‘

Wang posted the photo above on his Instagram on Sunday.  He has since disabled comments on his posts

Wang posted the photo above on his Instagram on Sunday. He has since disabled comments on his posts

Wang launched his fashion brand in 2005 after serving as creative director for Balenciaga

Wang launched his fashion brand in 2005 after serving as creative director for Balenciaga

Wang and Nicki Minaj in 2017

Wang and Nicki Minaj in 2017

On Tuesday, fashion advocacy organization Model Alliance released a statement in support of Wang’s accusers.

“We at Model Alliance are sympathetic to those who shared accusations of sexual abuse by Alexander Wang,” he said in an Instagram post.

“Let’s be clear: the lack of transparency and accountability in the fashion industry leaves all models vulnerable to abuse, regardless of their sex or gender identity.”

Fashion advocacy organization Model Alliance released a statement on Tuesday in support of Wang's accusers

Fashion advocacy organization Model Alliance issued a statement on Tuesday in support of Wang’s accusers.
