MLB rumors: Garrett Richards and Red Sox getting closer to the deal

The Boston Red Sox appears to be close to an agreement to strengthen its team of pitchers.

On Friday night, it was reported that negotiations were increasing between the Sox and Garrett Richards. And according to Alex Speier of The Boston Globe on Saturday morning, the two sides are close to an agreement.

“According to a major league source, the Red Sox has made significant progress in negotiations with free agent holder Garrett Richards and could reach an agreement with him as early as Saturday,” Speier wrote.

Speier’s report comes later Chris Cotillo of MassLive on Friday he indicated that the negotiations were serious and gaining momentum.

Richards, who turns 33 in May, has spent much of his career as a starter, but is also familiar with relieved pitches. He underwent Tommy John surgery during the 2018 season, and in 2020 made 14 appearances (10 matches) for the San Diego Padres, posting a 2-2 record with an ERA 4.03.
