Mix your main workouts with these 5 pike variations

By bike

Strengthening your core will help you become resistant to bicycle fatigue. These pike variations increase the difficulty of a typical abdominal movement and work your entire core, plus the quadriceps and shoulders – important for stabilizing in the middle of the body and preventing injuries.

Kara Miklaus, NASM certified trainer at WORK Training Studio in Irvine, California, created this series of pike exercises that can be done on a circuit. Alternatively, you can add one of the pike variations to your regular workout.

How to do this: Repeat each movement for the recommended number of repetitions. If you are doing the pike exercises as a circuit, repeat twice. You will need an exercise ball, a suspension trainer, sliders (or a towel) and a bench. Each exercise is demonstrated by the WORK Training Studio employee, Cassie Nitz, so that you can learn properly.

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Suspension Trainer Pike

Kneeling on the floor, with your back to the anchor point, handles in the middle of your calf, place both feet on the cribs. With your arms extended and your hands under your shoulders, lift your knees off the floor in an elevated plank position. Keeping your core taut, keep your legs straight while lifting your hips skyward. Slowly lower your back to the plank position.

If you don’t have a suspension trainer, you can use sliders or a towel to make a pike. In the high plank position, place one foot on each slider. Wrap your core around to lift your hips as you roll the ball forward to your toes. Return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps.

Sierra Glider for Pique

Start in the plank position of the forearm and place a slider under the feet (the toes should be curved downwards, the soles of the feet on the slider). Wrap your core and move back 15 to 20 cm. In one movement, return to the starting position and continue on a spear – lifting your hips as your feet reach your toes. Return to the starting position. This is a representative. Complete 10 reps.

Pike ball plank exercise

Start in a high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, but instead of putting your feet on the floor, rest your shins on the exercise ball. Wrap the core around to lift your hips as your feet reach your toes. Return to the starting position. Repeat. Complete 15 reps.


Lie face up in a concave position, legs extended and arms above your head – biceps close to your ears. Lift your head, shoulders and legs off the floor and place it in a V-shape – your hands and feet should be as close together as possible. Return to the starting position. Complete 12 repetitions.

Lifting the seat leg for reverse pike

Lie face up on an inclined bench, with your arms above your head, your biceps close to your ears and your hands holding the bench for support. Wrap your core and lift your legs. so that your body is shaped like an L. Wrap your lower abdomen to lift your hips upwards, think of tapping the soles of your feet on the ceiling, and then lower your back. In a controlled movement, the lower legs return to the starting position. Repeat. Complete 10 reps.

[Watch] Now try these exercises

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